
We specialize in 5 categories of Honey Do Lists:
Home Repair: We would give you a price but its hard to say what you may need done! So fill out our List and we can give you a price!

Home Landscaping: Grass cutting is so much fun..... said no one ever 🙂 Fill out our list and forget about the stress of grass and weeds!

Home Organizing: Free Consults and Estimates by phone.

-All that and a bag of chips - this will be a full organizing session where our professional organizers will tackle a
large project including but not limited to organizing areas of choice. (Bag of chips included) Minimum 4 hrs $300.00.

-Keeping up with the Jones - This service will be a follow up to any previous service we have provided within 1 month. Just in case the kids didn't listen when you told them not to screw up that closet again! or you were to busy
to put things back in the right place (don't worry we all have done it!). $60.00 per hour. 2hr minimum.

-You make the coffee.... - And we will bring the cream 🙂 This will be the beginning of our organizing relationship.

" We will come in and design / assess / declutter / chosen areas of your home. $170.00 for 2 hours.

" -Cash or Credit - We will send out one of our professional organizers to shop for the items needed for the spaces
" " " that are organized. We give you one of our list to fill out and send with our team member $30.00 per hr.


Home Cleaning:
-The dust bunnies killed my cleaning fairy - its time for revenge lets send some help to your poor house and clean it up! This service is
a first initial cleaning of the whole house. This includes kitchen/dining room/living room/bathrooms/bedrooms. Additional rooms, such as
garage, basement, sun room, game rooms, offices, etc. can be added! 6 hours for $350

-Don’t worry, we’re back! - This is bi-weekly or monthly follow up cleanings to the areas that had attention to in the initial cleaning.
$50 / hr minimum 3 hours

-Uh oh the family coming to town - when you need us fast and on a whim this service will do just that! We will come in and do a express
cleaning of your house to help get ready for all those guest! 3 hour for $200


Home Help:
Dont break the eggs - If you need a hand getting to the grocery store and have no one to assist don’t worry we have you covered! We can
help with shopping for your grocery needs and putting everything away when we come back (because we know no one likes to put the
groceries away). 2 hr minimum $100

We make PB&J - Well we do make a mean PB&J but we can also make a few other things as well. In this service we can cook small meals
for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Or just order and pickup your favorite take-out. We can also make weekly meal plans to help make your life
easier. 1 hour minimum $50
-Whites wont turn pink - We know how fun it is to do laundry so invite us to help with it! We will wash, dry, hang, and put away, clothes,
bedding, towels. We will also deliver and pick up dry cleaning. 2 hr minimum $100
We know their family - We have our own animals so we know how awesome they are! if you need a hand to get the dog out for a walk or your
pulling overtime at work and need the cat fed we have animal lovers for the job! $25 per visit Vacation Check in $50 for 1 hour